God Knew – Part 2
A few weeks ago, I shared a post entitled “God Knew,” in which I talk about God’s awareness of all the circumstances in our lives, even when it feels as if He is unaware or unconcerned. This morning, as I continue my reading through Exodus, the following verses from chapter 2 caught my attention:
Years passed, and the king of Egypt died. But the Israelites continued to groan under their burden of slavery. They cried out for help, and their cry rose up to God. God heard their groaning, and He remembered His promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He looked down on the people of Israel and knew it was time to act (Exodus 2:23-25 NLT).
Did you see it? There is another “God knew” at the end of verse twenty-five. I love it! As I reread these verses, the following ideas also grabbed my attention:
- God’s response to our cries are heard but not responded to immediately. Verse 23 says that years passed. Do I have the faith to hold out in hope that God does hear and He will complete his promises, even when years pass without seeing any hope of change?
- Circumstances may change, as they did for Israel with the death of the King, but they may not alter the situation. Did they hope that with the Pharaoh’s death their years of slavery would end? Was there great disappointment that things remained unchanged? Were their cries to God in hope and anticipation that he would act or in frustration and defeat, wondering if their God had abandoned and forsaken them? How do I respond when I’m under my own burden of slavery and God does not appear to hear or care?
- God hears. Regardless of how I feel, God hears and sees all that is going on, and I can trust Him. He will do what He has promised to do in His time.
- God knew when it is time to act. I often wish God would change something much sooner than He does, but He doesn’t. He knows what needs to be done and accomplished and when it is time to act. Do I trust that He will act in the right time? Do I hold on to hope or do I give in to defeat and sorrow, thinking I have been abandoned and that God is far off and doesn’t care?