Browse Category: Ponderings

I Want To Be Like Mike

A random commercial from childhood popped in my head today. Some of you may remember it: a Gatorade commercial encouraging you to drink Gatorade to be like Mike (aka Michael Jordan).  For those that don’t remember it or it was before your time, I’ve included it below. 

Watching it again, I am amazed what you can find on YouTube. I had to laugh first because it’s dated, but second because I realized for many of us drinking Gatorade would be the only way we’d ever be like Michael Jordan.  The implication from watching the commercial is that if you drink Gatorade, you can play basketball like Michael Jordan. Heck ya! Give me some Gatorade. 

Oh wait, I can’t really play basketball like Michael Jordan by drinking Gatorade, can I? But, If I learned what he did to be successful, I could follow his practices and play basketball like him. Right? 

I might become a better basketball player,  but I still wouldn’t  be Michael Jordan. There is and always will only be one Michael Jordan. 

Sometimes I see characteristics in people and I want to be like them. When I attempt to be like someone else, I lose sight of something of vital importance. I am not that person and I was not created to be him or her. Some of the things that individual does may help me in certain areas, but it won’t make me him or her. Other things may not be even within my skills and talents, no matter how hard I try. 

Why would I want to be someone else anyway? Why would I try to be anyone other than the person I was created to be? 

For one thing, I know myself. I know where I’ve messed up. I know where I have believed the lie that says I’m not good enough or don’t have what it takes. Other times, I forget success  is not what I’m told it is by all the things I see around me. 

I still don’t want to be like Mike because I’ve realized none of the implications in the commercial are true. The truth is I was created in the image of God for a purpose, a purpose for which I am individually uniquely designed, which includes all the parts of my life and experiences: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

What value is a counterfeit compared to the real thing? Who wants an imitation or copy of anything when you can have the original? The world has enough wannabes, copycats and fakes. 

I want to be like …