It Just Takes One

One woman arranged for these four different families with children with special needs to travel 3 hours to ASELSI to be evaluated for a wheelchair.

I sat in my office waiting for the group from Cotzal to come. Juana had contacted me the week before about helping provide wheelchairs for children with special needs in her area. Although we had anticipated their arrival, we were overwhelmed by the impact their visit had upon us.

Four different families from San Juan, Cotzal, Guatemala, had traveled over 3 hours one way to bring their children with special needs to ASELSI. The families were looking for help for their children, as none was available in their area. So they came to be evaluated and assessed for a wheelchair. They spent a couple of hours here and then loaded up in the van to return home, another 3 hour or more trip.

It may not seem like much, but as the families walked toward the building something welled up in my heart. These families had not come on their own, but because someone in their community realized these children needed help. She understands they have a purpose and wants to see them treated equally, with respect, and to experience God’s compassion for them. And so Juana, the woman in the yellow raincoat in the picture above, decided she would do something. She talked to the families and organized the trip that brought them to ASELSI this day. But she is not finished, she has a written plan to provide physical therapy services, schooling, and health care for these children and their families. She has invited us to help.

Yesterday we were able to evaluate the children for wheelchairs, but we hope soon we can go to CotzalĀ and help the other children, a dozen more. We have been invited to help start a physical therapy program in Cotzal. Will you pray with us about the timing and provision for such a venture? A venture, I believe, that is at the center of God’s heart.

One Comments

  • Sandy Ganoe

    June 30, 2011

    Jennifer..This is really awesome! Keep up the good work..Love and miss you Sandy


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