Our Experience with Rehabilitation Promoters – Guest Post

This morning I’m grateful to share a guest post written by Drs. Gaby and Orlando. These are the two doctors currently working at ASELSI in Chichicastenango. In October, while I was in the U.S., they traveled to Canilla to provide a class for our rehabilitation promoters on vital signs. Here is what they had to say. If you’d prefer to read it as they wrote it in Spanish, I have included it below.

On October 6, 2018, we went to visit a group of rehabilitation promoters in training in the municipality of Canilla to teach them about vital signs. Our experience, as general medical doctors, was very special as we saw each student get involved and actively participate in each of the activities we had planned. The students learned to recognize the different vital signs and to properly measure them in adults and children and then to interpret them, based on their findings. The most important thing, for us, was to see the interest they had in learning and the importance of it, as they knew they were learning how to work with people in the future.  To see this group of people having the chance to learn from professionals in an area that is very far from the capital city very much impacted us. We realized that if this training hadn’t been brought to this place, many of the students would not have had the opportunity to study this topic. Education can be very expensive and hard to access from these more remote places in Guatemala.

We are very thankful for the opportunity to help in this great work that is being done. We are grateful to see it brings much hope to people, who before had no hope, to learn and to help.

El día 6 de octubre del 2018 visitamos a un grupo de promotores de rehabilitación que están siendo entrenados en el municipio de Canilla, El Quiché para enseñarles como tomar adecuadamente signos vitales. Nuestra experiencia como médicos generales fue muy especial ya que vimos cómo cada uno de ellos se involucraba y participaba atentamente en las actividades que programamos. Ellos aprendieron cuales son los signos vitales y como tomarlos adecuadamente en niños y adultos, así como la interpretación de los mismos. Sobre todo, vimos su interés al aprender él porque es importante para ellos ya que están entrenándose para trabajar con personas. 

Para nosotros es impresionante ver cómo estas personas pueden capacitarse con profesionalismo en un lugar que esta tan lejano a la ciudad capital ya que según observamos si no se brindara este tipo de capacitación en este lugar muchos de ellos no podrían acceder a esta educación ya que en nuestro país es muy difícil el acceso y con costos muy elevados. 

Estamos muy agradecidos por la oportunidad de poder apoyar en esta gran labor que están realizando llevando esperanza a esas personas que por mucho tiempo no la tuvieron. 

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