Browse Month: February 2021

Do You Want To Get Well?

Did you know TCI has started a series of wellness videos? I’d like to introduce you to this new project today. We are grateful to have Jill, fellow physical therapist and certified hand therapist, directing this.

Wellness is the individual pursuit of physical, mental, and spiritual health. Therapy Clinics International (TCI) started this wellness series because we believe attention to all three of these areas is what makes us whole, healthy people. Each wellness video will feature a healthcare provider sharing nuggets of truth for his/her area of expertise and how his/her faith has impacted his/her work. 

The first video is Musician Wellness. This one hour video will introduce musicians and music teachers to basic anatomy as it relates to common problems experienced by musicians, causes of these problems, and ways to prevent them. You’ll leave this course with a few tools to help yourself and/or your students.

Our latest wellness video is Headache: An Overview. Dr. Roderick Spears, headache and migraine specialist, presents to the public and healthcare professionals an overview of headaches. Learn about the different types of headaches, what to report to your healthcare provider about your headache, potential tests that may be ordered, newest medications, and lifestyle recommendations.

We hope you find these videos informative and helpful.   If you have any questions or have a topic you would like to see covered please contact us at: