Browse Month: July 2019

The Woman Who Wore Pants To Church

Image by mariozorzetto from Pixabay

Recently, Shesita told me about a beautiful time in prayer she had with our rehabilitation promoters at ASELSI in Guatemala. Prayer is a daily part of what we do as a group and individually with each of our patients and their families. Sometimes, as relationships develop and deepen, the mothers share the burdens of their heart with our staff and we carry those burdens with them. 

The other week, as different rehabilitation promoters offered up petitions for the families with whom we work, one, in particular, caught the group’s attention. One of the mothers with whom Tomasa works had to change churches, as the one she was attending was just too far away to attend regularly. Not having much money, she only has one of the typical skirts, belts, and tops women wear. Where she was before it wasn’t a problem, as she attended church in her pants. However, when attending her new church, she felt the stares, heard the questions, and realized if she didn’t wear the typical clothes, she wouldn’t be accepted. She wanted to go to church, but she didn’t know what to do.

She shared her struggles with Tomasa, who brought them for prayers. This opened up a time of praying for many. But the work didn’t stop with prayer; Tomasa is going to help this mother get another typical outfit so she will feel more comfortable going to church. The rest of the team is determining how they can help. 

I love seeing our staff heartbroken for the burdens of others and sharing with them. They’re using what they have to encourage others. Their work in the therapy program is more than a job to them and it is great to see.